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COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries. Roundtable Discussion on Latest Covid Vaccine Science.
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson hears testimony from world-renowned experts in Public Health, Science, Medicine, Law, and Journalism, in a public forum titled, ‘Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries,’ held in the U.S. Senate’s Hart Building, on Capitol Hill. He will also hear testimony from victims of Covid vaccine injury.
Speakers Include Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Robert Malone, ICAN Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., OpenVAERS Founder, Liz Willner, Edward Dowd, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Ryan Cole, Journalist, Del Bigtree, and more.
Covid-19 Shots Will Kill Billions - Dr. David Martin And Seth Holehouse.
In this interview (video starts after 1 min) MAN IN AMERICA, Mr. Seth Holehouse, talks to Dr. David Martin about the recent movie DIED SUDDENLY, and the precautions that needs to be taken towards the evil Covid-19 worldwide genocide agenda shots.
If 3 billion people took Covid-19 shots, and 7% to 15% of the batches had severe adverse events, that's around 300 million people with permanent death and disabilities.
If those 300 million people now require the 24/7 health care services of other individuals, that's another 300 million people dedicated to their care. "So, we're talking about 600 million people incapacitated" says Dr. David Martin.
DIED SUDDENLY Documentary =>
American (R)Evolution =>
It is really WAKE UP time folks!
You can follow Dr. David Martin at -
This video was mirrored from the MAN IN AMERICA website -
Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin.
We produced the above short film to correct the narrative and to reveal the motive behind the smear campaign against one of the safest and most effective medicines of this era. A medicine that, according to the numerous top scientists I’ve interviewed, would have ended the pandemic before it began. A medicine that could have saved countless lives.
Every medical professional I’ve spoken with stress the importance of early treatment. Myself, my family and friends use Ivermectin regularly as a preventative against all the new variants spreading throughout our immune compromised communities.
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Committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the best medicines available, Early Treatment Meds has gone to great lengths to make the ordering and delivery process as easy as possible.
Simply click the yellow button on this page, then fill out their short questionnaire. Once your order is approved by a Early Treatment Meds Physician, your Ivermectin will be sent directly to your home.
Take care of yourself… and each other.
Mikki Willis
Father, Filmmaker
Dr. David Martin: Who “they” are? - The names of the people who are killing Humanity
So called Viruses are by products of diseased tissues. (Exosomes)
They are cellular debris.
We have been tricked into thinking they are the cause of disease,
so we 'combat' them by injecting ourselves with synthetic chemicals,
which ironically leads to more diseased tissue and more so called viruses(exosomes)
Original channel : Algora Blog
Related posts:,
1. Al Gore, Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001), Chairman and Co-Founder, Generation Investment Management LLP
2. Andre Hoffmann, Vice- Chairman, Roche
3. Angel Gurria, QECD
4. Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
5. Christine Lagarde, President European Central Bank
6. Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime minister of Canada
7. David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group
8. Dustin Moskovitz, Open Philanthropy
9. Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General, European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
10. Feike Sybesma, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Royal Philips
11. H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Office of H.M Queen Rania Al Abdullah
12. Heizo Takenaka, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
13. Herman Gref, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Sberbank
14. Jim Hagemann Snabe,Chairman Siemens
15. Julie Sweet , Chief Executive Officer, Accenture
16. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
17. Kristalina Georgeva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
18. L. Rafael Reif, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
19. Larry Page, Google
20. Laurence D Fink, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
21. Luis Alberto Moreno, Member of the Board of Trustees World Economic Forum
22. Marc Benioff, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce
23. Mark Carney, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, United Nations
24. Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestle
25. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
26. Mukesh D Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries
27. Orit Gadiesh, Chairman, Bain & Company
28. Patrice Motsepe, Founder and Executive Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals
29. Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda
30. Peter Brabeck-Latmathe, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum
31. Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
32. Robert Mercer, Renaissance Fund
33. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Government of Singapore
34. Thomas Buberi, Chief Executive Officer, AXA
35. Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist
36. Zhu Min, Chairman, National Institute of Financial Research
Dr. David Martin spills the beans
Exposing organisations and names of psychopaths behind this genocide attempt.
Dr. David Martin Exposes the Names and Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity
Red Pill Expo, November 19, 2021
If you thought the last Dr David Martin talk was exciting, this one, which he gave at the Red Pill Expo is positively electrifying.
He says that this is “final” speech but that we will be hearing from him, only it will be a new version: No more Mr Nice Guy. We get to see a bit of that in this presentation. He is angry.
David has put the names and faces of all of the major players in the theater of the COVID War onto one slide, which he says is important, because “We energize the forces of darkness when we anonymize them and when we see their faces on a screen, we realize that they’re merely individuals that have lost the social contract with humanity.”
The purpose of this talk is to de-mystify the “they” of the COVID War.
“How many of you are familiar with the company, Anser? I love having this moment. Do you know they are the single largest contractor in the entire COVID terrorism campaign?…
“The companies on the right, that you think are the ones running this show [Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Merck Ridgeback, Gilead Sciences], are in fact a front [for the companies on the left, Anser, Fors-Marsh, Palantir, Publicis Sapient].
“And you know what a front organization is? They’re the ones that are supposed to take the flack and take the heat. The ones on the left are the ones that actually got the money. Operation Warp Speed went to Anser.
“You didn’t know that, because you were told by the media that it went to Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and all that kind of stuff. That’s not true. The prime contract of Operation Warp Speed went through Anser, a company none of you had heard of!
“And you didn’t hear about them because the contract was signed by ATI, a company based in South Carolina, a company whose history has been government defense contracts for the purposes of propaganda! I wish I made that up. The prime contractor selected to run Operation Warp Speed was a propaganda expert for the US Department of Defense…
“Anser is the way for the Federal Government never to be liable for the criminal conspiracy they know they ran. They are now one of the top ten Federal Contractors in history, below Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon and all those guys.
“Those names you know. You don’t know Anser, the single company that, by COVID rose – the highest-ranked rise in the history of federal contracting; the highest single-year rise, ever was Anser – and none of you know who they are!…
“Anser Corporation, they’re the ones running Operation Warp Speed and they’ve been set up to shield these manufacturers from ever taking the financial liability for their willful misconduct. And one day, everybody’s gonna go, ‘Let’s sue Pfizer! Let’s go sue everybody else! And the only problem is when we go to sue them, they say, ‘Hey! It wasn’t us!’ And they’re right and all of us were asleep. And I’m talking to a woke crowd, here and all of you were asleep.
“Don’t tell me you’re awake if you’re still sleeping, because if you didn’t know who Anser is, you’re still asleep!
“It gets worse. Fors-Marsh, anybody know Fors-Marsh?…They’re the branding agency that branded COVID. They’re the ones who make sure we find hospitals that are overrun with people. They’re the ones who find kids that died of COVID right before the FDA needs to vote on giving kids injections. They’re the ones that go around the world, making sure every message is always the same: ‘We will not return to normal until we have a vaccine.’ Thank you, Justin Trudeau! Where’d you get the script? From Fors-Marsh! And how many of you knew that? None of ya!
“How about Palantir? Hey, that’s a weird one, isn’t it? Peter Thiel, who has successfully run a company that has lost $200 million plus, every year for about seven or eight years, goes public in the middle of COVID. Isn’t timing interesting? Isn’t it fascinating that a company that’s done nothing but lose billions of dollars goes public in the middle of the worst economic cycle we’ve had? Isn’t that funny? And did you actually go back and read their public offering? Hah! Funny! I know you didn’t, because there really wasn’t one, that’s why you didn’t read it!
“Because they went public in this very bizarre, backdoor way of actually selling founder’s stock into the market, so we got personally-enriched – personally-enriched – using the public market as the laundering facility. Isn’t that brilliant?
“But let’s look at what they did for our COVID scandal. They actually came up with a thing called Gotham Data Tracking…you know what that does? That’s making sure that every time you turn your phone on, when you get off the plane, when you cross the state line, it gives you a little tag that goes, ‘Hey, do you want a COVID alert in your neighborhood?’ You know why? Because you are being monitored. Your phone is being monitored. Your transactions are being monitored, your credit cards are being monitored, your health behavior’s being monitored, your vaccine status is being monitored and it’s all done under the contract run by Gotham Data Sciences, the company that went public during COVID – and none of you knew about this.
“And you’ve been to Red Pills! And you still haven’t taken the Red Pill! And by the way, I’m not even to the good slide, yet. So be depressed! ‘Cause it’s getting worse!
“Publicis Sapient, the Health and Human Services’ IT contract. Have you ever wondered how the data never seems to add up? Somebody always has allegedly the same reportable data?
“Publicis Sapient has the Health and Human Services’ IT contract to consolidate all of the data, so guess what happens? Everybody has the same number of COVID cases to report, when somebody from the media calls and says, ‘Hey, how many cases do we have?’ ‘Oh, 40,000’. ‘Oh, round number, 40,000’…
“When, in the course of human history has a round number involving the word ‘thousand’ ever happened? There’s never been a 10,000 heart day, there’s never been a round number day – until you actually control the Department of Health and Human Services’ entire IT platform and not one of you knows that that’s a single contract, run by Publicis Sapient…
“You’ve been focused on the right hand side the whole time and the left hand side is doing the dirty work.
“Now, why do I call them ‘privateers’? How many are familiar with the difference between a pirate and a privateer? Pirates go rape and marauding and stealing and…a privateer is the same thing, that has permission to do it by a government that’s gone corrupt. That’s what these are (points to the slide of COVID contractors). They’re the privateers. But hey, since we have privateers, it feels only appropriate that if we have a world of privateers, we should also…have a world of pirates. And here’s our pirates.”
New slide shows the universities who’ve been involved in the COVID War: UNC Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt, Emory, Johns Hopkins, University of California System, MIT, NYU Langone, DZIF, Imperial College, IHME, Erasmus Medical Center.
“Pirates. UNC Chapel Hill, I talked about that. That’s the guy who actually made the weapon, Ralph Baric. Since 1999, $100 million to weaponize the particles of coronavirus. Over $100 million. You’ve heard about $3.7 million going to Wuhan – ohhhh – 3.7 million, that feels like a bad number.
“And how ’bout $28 billion of that coming from DARPA for their bioweapons initiative? Anybody heard of $28 billion that went through Anthony Fauci at NIAID? Anyone hear about the $20 billion that went directly to UNC Chapel Hill, that weaponized spike protein?
“You haven’t heard about that, you haven’t heard about that because we’ve been talking about $3.7 million going to Wuhan. Stop being distracted by the cover story!…Because the distraction is where the interesting thing is.
“UNC Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt, Emory, Johns Hopkins and University of California: those are the pirates that have made the most money on federally-granted, disclosed money going into the university sector. I’m calling them ‘pirates’ for a very good reason. They justify all of this in the name of science and education…
“I don’t even care whether these people pretend to hide behind the ‘It’s an academic research project’ to try and get out of the bioweapons definition. The bioweapons definition says that if you enable a foreign entity to build something known to harm humanity, you have already created a felony, you are going to jail for the rest of your life and you are liable for $100 million penalty.
“So guess what? Welcome to Hell, all five of these universities! Because they’re all felons! All of ’em!
“And how ’bout the right hand side? MIT, New York University Langone – hey, by the way, Langone? Where did that name come from? Ken Langone? Anybody? Oh! I’m not supposed to say that name out loud, Ken Langone, except I just did, didn’t I? Ken Langone…
“They’re actually putting their name on the letterhead and you don’t know who to look for! You’re still being told, ‘Oh, it’s the Rothschilds and it’s the Rockefellers!
“No, it’s not! It’s the guy who put his name on the facility! How many of you know who Ken Langone is? Guess what? Look it up! Because that’s a pretty big thing that you should be aware of and unfortunately, you’re not aware of it, for a very good reason because he hid it in plain site, on the name of the medical center. New York University Langone, like that’s a really hard thing to find.
“DZIF Charité…you’ve heard of Dr Christian Drosten, the Crazy-in-Chief in Germany who’s kind of Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric’s evil stepchild, Imperial College, the criminal conspirators who came up with the fear porn of how many people were going to die, IHME, the University of Washington program, but the one I want to bring your attention to is the one at the bottom, Erasmus Medical Center.
“Bart Haagmans…In 2002,Bart Haagmans was an interesting dude, because he actually figured out a way to build a bunch of patents around the vaccines for the coronavirus. Mysteriously, the European Union in 2012 started giving him massive, massive grants to run a thing called Zapi.
“And Zapi was the zoonotic disease transmission laboratory for the European Union. And Bart seemed to always get the money. Now, this is fascinating because Bart was also the one who decided to patent MERS. The Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, remember that one? The one that never really happened but kinda happened in 2012-13? Bart was the one that patented MERS…
“Erasmus Medical Center, actually, in their public statement, when they were confronted with the lie, where they said that they hadn’t filed a patent on the actual genome – kinda like the CDC said in 2007 – when confronted with the lie, they said in public – and you can’t make this sh!t up, People, it’s so funny! They said, ‘Well, what we said was not entirely false in all jurisdictions in the world.’
“But this, Ladies and Gentlemen is the slide you wanted to see. This is actually the names and faces of the people who are, in fact killing humanity. And that’s ALL of them. Now, here’s the bad news: There’s a lot of people on that slide, aren’t there? Here’s the better news…I’ll actually give you all this slide, because why not? Lets make sure that we don’t ever forget the names and the faces of the people who decided to kill us…”
Here is a list of all the people in that slide:
· Mukesh D. Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Industries
· Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees WEF
· Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action
· Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Canada
· Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF
· Queen Rania of Jordan
· David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group
· Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, WEF
· Marc Benioff, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce
· Thomas Buberl, CEO, AXA
· Laurence Fink, Chairman & CEO, BlackRock
· Orit Gadiesh, Chairman, Bain & Company
· Fabiola Gianotti, Director General, CERN
· L. Rafael Reif, President of MIT
· Mark Schneider, CEO, Nestlé
· Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Defense Minister, Singapore
· Robert Mercer, Renaissance Fund
· Larry Page, Google
· Al Gore, Environmentalist
· Angel Gurría, Secretary General OECD
· Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information Communication Technology, Rwanda
· Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist
· Luis Alberto Moreno, WEF
· Jim Hagemann Snabe, Chairman of Siemens and of Maersk
· Feike Sijbesma, Philco
· Zhu Min, Deputy Managing Director, IMF
· Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook/Meta
· Bill Gates, Microsoft
· Herman Gref, CEO, Sberbank
· André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman Hoffman-La Roche
· Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank
· Peter Maurer, President, Red Cross
· Patrice Motsepe, Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals
· Julie Sweet, CEO, Accenture
· Heizo Takenaka, Economist
· Dustin Moskovitz, Open Philanthropy
David continues, “I want you to have some looks on there. Some are kind of interesting, like cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Did you hear me say that? Cellist, Yo-Yo Ma.
“How about the head of the Wellcome Trust? Not surprising, there, right? How about Princess Rania of Jordan? Ooh, that’s weird.
“How about the woman who happens to be sitting at the helm of the leadership of the government of Canada but conveniently out of sight but running 100% of the money for the government of Canada.
“How about all of these interesting people like, Jim Hagemann Snabe, how about Zhu Min, Chairman of the National Institute of Financial Research in China?
“And what makes these individuals interesting is that when you look at them, you find out something very important. Almost none of them have sought public visibility. Isn’t that funny? Which makes me pick on one of them. The guy I have here, at the bottom corner. And I have to give him credit. He has done so much to stay out of sight.
“I’ve got 12 minutes left. I’ve got to spend a couple of minutes on the guy who’s paid every search engine optimization to keep his name out of search engines and I’m doing it so that is costs him sh!tloads to keep all of you silent.
“So let’s get really clear on Dustin Moskovitz. Shall we, Dustin Moskovitz?…You little piece of sh!t! Let’s talk about him for a minute. The Co-Founder of Facebook that you’ve never heard of…also the guy who founded Open Philanthropy, who was the actual check-writer for Event201. You were told that it was the World Economic Forum. You were told it was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. You were told it was Johns Hopkins University. But the actual check that cleared for the program was signed by none other than Dustin Moskovitz…
“Now, I’m picking on him for a good reason. He’s a felon, he’s a criminal. He is one of the most sociopathic, psychopathic, crazy people walking the planet and he’s paid to keep his name in private. So guess what? Don’t let him! The reason why I want to give you this slide is because I want every one of them named. I want them all publicly named.
“Because it’s time that we start going through the reality of saying, ‘We the People are not going to let mass-murderers get away anonymously mass-murdering people. We are not going to allow that to happen! Not on our watch! And that’s why you have this slide…
“But let’s go back to Dustin. Isn’t it interesting that Dustin conveniently decided to shroud this entire public health crisis in a self-serving, self-interested investment objective? He owns Sherlock biosciences. Sherlock Bioscienceshappens to be the company that owns the CRISPR technology that is the joint venture between the United States and China on gene editing the human genome…
“Dustin Moskovitz knew that if he actually tried to take this technology into the public, nobody would be willing to do it, particularly, given the fact that it’s a JV [joint venture] between him and the government of China. That’s the reason why we’d have a problem with it. Because it feels like eugenics. You know why it feels like eugenics? Because it iseugenics, that’s why it feels like it! That’s why it feels like Cold Spring Harbor Labs…
“The only way we could get gene editing technology approved was with an Emergency Use Authorization. Not surprisingly, once everybody was distracted on vaccines and everybody was distracted on RTPCR and everybody was distracted on everything else, Sherlock Biosciences slipped their Emergency Use Authorization application into the FDA – and got it. In other words, using the cover of COVID, which all of us are pretending to talk about, the editing of the human genome was approved and not one of us said a thing.
“Now, if you were going to edit the human genome, do you think you’d need a good cover story to actually hide what you’re really doing? You’d probably find the guy who has the biggest financial interest in doing it and make sure, that while everyone is looking over at coronavirus and COVID and trying to figure out these Lab Leak Hypothesis – there’s no Lab Leak Hypothesis, because there’s no lab leak!
“So stop taking about lab leaks! there is no lab leak. This is the willful weaponization of a spike protein, that’s what it is. It’s an act of war, it’s not a leak. We need to start calling it what it is. It’s an act of war. It’s an act of war against humanity.
“We stop pretending to take their bait and follow their stupid rabbit trails and follow stupid rabbit trails into stupid rabbit holes and wonder why there’s a bunch of pee and piss and poo that smells like rabbit warrens. Well, it smells like it because that’s what you find at the end of a rabbit trail.
“We need to be focused on the point and people like Dustin Moskovitz and this slide is going to be shared with everyone in this room, because it is incumbent on you. Now you know. Now you must act. Because when we talk about the ‘they’, we empower the ‘they’.
“But when we talk about the names of people, we humanize the sociopathic behavior. We humanize the fact that there are individuals and organizations that are willfully murdering the humanity that we know and love and we cannot let that hapen on our watch. It is incumbent on all us to get those words out.”
Watch the full presentation below:
The next slide shows the countries of the US, Canada, UK, Germany, South Africa, China and Australia and the logos of the following corporations: BlackRock, AXA, HSBC, International Monetary Fund, United Healthcare, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.
David says, “The most important part of this slide is what I put in the Atlantic Ocean, because the real nation-state isn’t a nation-state. Listen!…The Treaty of Westphalia, the stupid idea of drawing lines on maps and calling them countries has long been dead.
“The real control is that,” (points to the slide), “what I call the ‘Atlantic Coalition of Doom.’ The Atlantic Coalition of Doom: BlackRock, AXA, the International Monetary Fund, HSBC, ICBC and you guessed it, United Healthcare…
“United Healthcare is a corrupt organization. It is a corrupt organization. It must be called what it is. It is actually the most manipulative corporate structures known to humanity, because what it does is it matches life insurance and insurance products with the delivery of healthcare, so they can so what? Manage your health? Oh-ho-ho no! Bet against the timing of your death.
“That’s the internal arbitrage. It is the wet dream of the Lloyd’s of London syndicate. They would have loved to have had this opportunity. But guess what? They didn’t. United Healthcare did. They put two things together, which means they get to manage your life so they can time your death, so they can profit on both.”
Below given info is not mentioned by Dr David Martin!
I found this info under comments which I cut and pasted here.
The main orchestrators of this GENOCIDE.
THEY are The ROTHSCHILD and ROCKEFELLER bloodlines with their dirty allies: DuPont, Carnegie, Clinton (a Rockefeller), Koch, Walton, Al-Saud, Cargill-MacMillan, Astor, Bundy, Collins, Freeman, The Vatican, Li, Onassis, Van Duyn, Merovingian, Soros, Buffet, Morgan, the British bloodline.
The useful idiots are Gates, Fauci & wife Christine Grady, chief of Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (NIH), Bezos, Henry Kissinger, Zuckerberg (a Rothschild).
All are guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - COMMITTING GLOBAL GENOCIDE and need to be severely punished.
No virus has ever been isolated in any shape or form, and therefore no vaccine needed.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko before a Rabbinical Court (6th August 2021)
An extensive excerpts from the hearing of Dr. Władimir Zelenko on August 6, 2021 before the Israeli rabbinical court (Ma'aleh Adumim Bet Din) regarding COVID vaccines.
Dr. Zelenko developed the famous "Zelenka Protocol" for early outpatient COVID treatment, with which he successfully cured 6,000 patients. hydroxychloroquine and zinc.
Dr. Zelenko ruthlessly explains why vaccination against COVID is perhaps the most dangerous scientific heresy in human history, and warns of potential genocide on the planet.
This video by The Mirror Project explains whether or not you can choose to have blood containing mRNA if you were in hospital or needed emergency care or a transfusion following an accident.
The movie makers - THE MIRROR PROJECT invites everyone to copy and share this documentary. Feel free to spread this information, so you have the chance to save the lives of many sentient beings.
If you have experienced serious side effects following Covid vaccine jab.
Please inform your healthcare provider and ensure a report is submitted to your country’s relevant authority.
The theatres of this film asking people that would like to document
and share their story, to send us their details to
Huron University College professor refuses to abide by school’s vaccine mandate in the name of ethics.
Huron University College professor is speaking out against the institution’s vaccine mandate, questioning the ethics of “coercing people into medical procedures” for those refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The professor states in the video, which has since been removed from YouTube, that she fears for her employment.
Julie Ponesse, an ethics professor at Huron University College which is affiliated with Western University, describes it as “ethically wrong” to require staff and students to be fully vaccinated, despite the policy also being encouraged by Ontario health officials.
“I am facing imminent dismissal after 20 years on the job. Because I will not submit to having an experimental vaccine injected into my body,” said Ponesse in the video.
“I don’t work in a high-risk environment. I’m not a doctor in an emergency room. I’m a teacher. I’m a university professor,” she adds.
This video comes amid a statement released Tuesday by Western University President and Vice-Chancellor Alan Shepard, after a “disturbing trend” involving several large gatherings near the campus in London, Ont., during frosh week.
“This activity is a blatant disregard for the campus community, public health, and the law,” Shepard wrote. “We want to be clear: if this activity continues, the academic year we have so carefully planned will not happen. In-person learning with fellow students, interaction with professors, extra-curricular activities, athletics and all the things that make your student experience great will be lost.
This man is the real deal on all issues with the COVID-19 treatment.
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. degree with high honors in Chemistry from Hofstra University. After receiving an academic scholarship to attend S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo School of Medicine, he earned his M.D. degree in May 2000. Dr. Zelenko completed his family medicine residency at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, N.Y. in May 2004. Since then, Dr. Zelenko has practiced family medicine in New York’s Hudson Valley.
He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families, and is a medical adviser to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York. In March 2020, Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide, while he was fighting recurrent and metastatic sarcoma, had open heart surgery, and aggressive chemotherapy.
He has also persevered against unrelenting defamation of character from the media, and threats against his person. Dr. Zelenko is an observant orthodox Jew, married with 8 children, and has authored two books called Metamorphosis and Essence to Essence.
Visit to get more information about Dr. Zelenko
Covid-19 Treatment Protocol details here:
Covid-19 Treatment Protocol PDF download here:
Karen Kingston joins Maria Zeee to explain the way humans have now been connected to the demonic realm through the nanotech in COVID-19 injections and the quantum field - but there's more.
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The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | March 17, 2023
Dr. David Martin PhD founder of M·CAM® and has published across various fields in law, medicine, engineering, finance, and education. He recently appeared in Mikki Willis’ documentary, Plandemic: Indoctornation where he revealed the truth behind the vaccine agenda and how following the money had led him to a number of conclusions about what is really going on during the Coronavirus crisis. He joins us today to discuss his experience uncovering government corruption.
Dr Martin's Youtube channel:
Official website:
They Can’t Hide This Any Longer… Some COVID-19 Patients Have Deadly Venom In Them
36 different shellfish toxins and snake venom are showing up in COVID-19 patients…
How did this end up in their blood, feces, or urine?
Some experts believe this so-called “respiratory” disease is actually an envenomation from the vaccine.
They’ve targeted people with toxins for decades…
Why wouldn’t this be the case now?
Did you know that the word “corona” means “crown for the king” and virus in Latin actually means “venom” so coronavirus very closely translates to “king venom”?
If you thought this film was eye-opening, then you won’t want to miss out on what we reveal next. It’s even more shocking… and the good news is, there are solutions!
This statement was released by Austrian independent journalist Jane Burgermeister - June 25, 2012
I would like to present some historical material related to earlier - unsuccessful vaccine projects. It seems that the New World Order has drawn conclusions and improved the depopulation of our planet's citizens.
This material has been meticulously and effectively removed from all online sources so that there is no mosaicism to recognize an analogy between a simulated-planned avian influenza pandemic and a Covid-19 pandemic that was planned and implemented on the same basis.
Experience has shown that no panedia or disease from existing viruses has had as many negative effects as mass vaccination of the population.
Jane Burgermeister is an Austrian science journalist who filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), the American government and several other organizations public health authorities such as the FDA , as well as several medical and pharmaceutical laboratories under the accusation of creating false flu pandemics to later administer dangerous vaccines in bulk. [ 1 ] The complaint accuses these organizations and their representatives of committing several serious crimes in relation to bioterrorism , with the attempted genocide,mass murder , coercion of constitutional bodies, high treason, among other charges.
Do you see any connotations to the present times? I leave the conclusions to you.
The first installment of Plandemic, a 26 minute documentary featuring veteran virologist Judy Mikovits, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide. The premiere of Plandemic: Indoctornation, featuring white collar crime investigator, Dr. David Martin, set a world record with 2 million viewers attending the global livestream.
The two part series was smeared by critics as “dangerous conspiracy theory.” US media took unprecedented measures to make the masses look away. When Dr. Mikovits made the bold claim that COVID-19 was manipulated in a lab, she was smeared as “crazy”. When Dr. Martin exposed the patents and paper trail proving that that Dr. Fauci was covertly funding dangerous gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab, critics laughed.
One year later, they were no longer laughing.
Through various independent investigations and accredited studies, every major claim made within the Plandemic series has been validated as accurate. The tide is turning. Truth is emerging. Plandemic is now being acknowledged for being among the first to warn the world of the agenda to reduce the liberties of citizens through medical tyranny.
Watch Part Two here:
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.
The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.
Want to know more? Visit
This documentary was made possible by Goldco. Protect your wealth by investing in precious metals, and use THIS link to receive up to $10,000 in free silver for qualified accounts:
The Stew Peters Network would not be possible without the loyal and endearing support of all our sponsors. There is something for EVERYONE!
Under any circumstances should you watch this movie if you want to stay in your pleasant state of hypnosis, which you allowed yourself to be implanted by the tyranny and totalitarianism of the psychopathic elites of the modern world.
The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what's really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.
The truth about vaccines perfectily explained by Dr Rashid A Buttar in less than 10 minutes.
He wasn't anti-vax; he was anti-stupidity.
With knowledge, you cannot be mislead.
Originally uploaded to YouTube in May 2020.
Dr Rashid Buttar, brytyjsko-amerykański lekarz, który był odpowiedzialny za uświadomienie milionom ludzi prawdy o Big Pharmie i globalistycznej agendzie, został znaleziony martwy 18.05.2023.
Miał 57 lat i cieszył się wyjątkowo dobrym zdrowiem. Szykujcie się na turbulencje roku 2025!
Sławik Kraszennikow 1983-1993
Później wrócą wszystkie choroby, o których ludzie już zapomnieli. Jedna choroba pojawi się bez nazwy, od której będzie mnóstwo trupów na ulicach i nikt nie będzie ich chował. Będą po nich pełzać robaki i wokół będzie panował smród. Sławoczka powiedział: „Mamusiu, ludzie będą iść i umierać w ruchu, ponieważ zupełnie nie będą mieć energii. W naszym mieście będzie tak samo”.
Some good news and some troubling news, from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. Oracle Films recently produced an interview with Professor Sucharit Bhakdi in collaboration with Oval Media in Germany, for an upcoming documentary.
As an aside to the interview, Dr. Bhakdi emphasised the urgent need to share the following information that has emerged from new scientific literature.
PLEASE take the time to process this presentation. Dr. Bhakdi explains clearly, based on new scientific evidence, why he believes:
Your immune system is your best defence against SARS-CoV-2, and indeed all coronaviruses.
If you have been infected, even if you experienced no symptoms at all, you are immune to all variants.
We have already reached herd immunity.
There is no scientific reason to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2. There is simply no benefit and the rollout must be stopped.
And much more.
Scientific literature references for Dr. Bhakdi's presentation:
(v important DK)
v. imp. IgG IgA response to mRNA vacc. +++
(key spike and IgG after vacc) (third IgG response to vaccine paper)
This is a message from Dr. Anne McCloskey from Londonderry. She speaks about the traumatised people that she comes across. Most double jabbed with an experimental genetic therapy.
These people might have been bribed, bullied, coerced, because of the removal of their basic human rights.
The hospitals are full of double jabbed people and increasingly younger people - and next they are coming for the children.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments?
Check out my other channels as well:
A very important public speech by a doctor with 25 years of medical internship in several specialisations and an expert in the field of vaccines. (June 2021)
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